2011. december 8., csütörtök

No Borders Soli Party

Time:december 10, saturday
Bacso Bela utca 10, basement
Budapest, VIII.district

About 40 people from Somalia got stuck in the Asylium Camp Rohovce, Slovakia without any winter clothing, and the social workers of the camp has lack of money to buy what they need. We are organizing this soli party with hope to get some winter coats, hats, scarfs, gloves, winter shoes for our friends who need it. 

So check out a program, bring your friends and dont forget about some worn winter clothing stuff(the coats are mostly needed)which you dont use or dont need.

 18.00: Noise and Resistance (Julia Ostertag, Francisca Arazia Andrade 2011) (german and english language, english subs) film screening



20.00 'Freddie and Emily from Morzsa Records'


22.00: How can help fair trade to Africa? Experiences in Kenia

(speach by Gyorgyi Ujszaszi-in english, hungarian translation available in a case)

How can help fair trade to Africa?
Experiences in Kenia
What is common among Kibera (slum in Nairobi), Undugu (a civil organisation) and Kazuri
(member of World Fair Trade Organization)?
A fair trade activist visited Kenia and talks about what she found there. Photos taken in Naoribi
helps to better understand the living conditions in an African country which is neighboring Somalia.

23.30: Feminist movies, revolutionary dj.-ig and so on :)

the program(screening, concert, lecture, party) will be started at advertised time, without 


2011. december 2., péntek

Women's Struggle against Islamist Neoliberalism: Socialist Feminist Politics in Turkey (lecture by Selin Cagatay)

time : 20.OO place: Fogashaz, Akacfa street 51 Budapest VII.
There has been a growing alliance between Islamism and neoliberalism in Turkey especially since 2002. This alliance has severe consequences for women: high unemployment rate, flexible and insecure jobs, dependence on the family, increased control over women's bodies and a meteoric rise in male violence and domestic murders. The presentation deals with the possibility of a socialist feminist opposition to this new form of patriarchal capitalism and discusses the achievements and shortcomings of socialist feminist activism in Turkey.

2011. szeptember 24., szombat

Morze Infoshop Program October

dear All,

we are back ;)

first of all;we stoped organizing events in April, because the satus of Tuzrakter became entirely unsure and our public events got more and more disturbed first by municipality people, later by the pigs too.

despite we did our best to save the building, finally we lost it; Tuzrakter got evicted at the last week of August.
But we are still here :)

from this time will be the infoshop events held at venue called Fogashaz, address; Akacfa street 51, Budapest VII.district, usually every Monday at 20.OO

October 10 ,Monday:

Morze Infoshop opening "party" (Noise and Resistance - documentary screening,after the screening skype discussion with Julia Ostertag, )

time : 20.OO
place: Fogashaz, Akacfa street 51
20.OO : Noise and Resistance (Julia Ostertag and Francesca Araiza Andrade, 87 min, 2011)

plot: There are other ways. Commerce, capital, and consumption are by no means irrevocable necessities in today's world. In their angry and rousing documentary "Noise and Resistance", Francesca Araiza Andrade and Julia Ostertag show that those who think so are not alone in this opinion. What some would describe as mere din and nuisance, they prove to be a vital articulation of resistance :
Here punk is neither a passing fad nor a dusted relic from the past but the lively expression of an attitiude towards life.

The directors enter the centres of a vivid and vibrant, a rebellious and self-conscious scene. Be it squatters in Barcelona, anti-fascists in Moscow, Dutch trade unionists, the activists of England's Crass collective, queer trailer park inhabitants in Berlin, or Swedish girl punk bands, their music always expresses a collective self-assertion, a No! set to music whose slogan : Do it yourself! has become a strident 21st century "International".

"Noise and Resistance" is an inspiring journey through Europe's contemporary utopia, to subcultural places of desire where unity derives from autonomy along with the best punk sound you've heard for years.

21.45 skype discussion with director, Julia Ostertag.

October 17, Monday :

Gasland (documentary screening)

time : 20.OO
place: Fogashaz, Akacfa street 51

Gasland (Josh Fox, 2010)

Can you light your water on fire?

'It is happening all across America - rural landowners wake up one day to find a lucrative offer from an energy company wanting to lease their property. Reason? The company hopes to tap into a reservoir dubbed the "Saudi Arabia of natural gas." Halliburton developed a way to get the gas out of the ground-a hydraulic drilling process called "fracking"...' /

A powerful reminder that the USA not only exploits other countries, peoples and parts of the world to keep its unsustainable economy afloat, but its own citizens too.
The technology shown in the film might just have some relevance to the recent earthquake on the east coast of the United States.
And yes, they do set tapwater on fire.

October 24 

First Earth-Uncompromising Ecological Architecture (documentary screening and discussion about anarchist architeture and anarchist urbanistics)

time : 20.OO
place: Fogashaz, Akacfa street 51

Fisrt Earth  (David Sheen, 2009, 87 min)

First Earthis a documentary about the movement towards a massive paradigm shift for shelter -- building healthy houses in the old ways, out of the very earth itself, and living together like in the old days, by recreating villages. It is a sprawling film, shot on location from the West Coast to West Africa. An audiovisual manifesto filmed over the course of 4 years and 4 continents, FIRST EARTH makes the case that earthen homes are the healthiest housing in the world; and that since it still takes a village to raise a healthy child, it is incumbent upon us to transform our suburban sprawl into eco-villages, a new North American dream.

October 31 

Anarchism and Anthropology (lecture by Fredie Schulze)

time : 20.OO
place: Fogashaz, Akacfa street 51

Anthropology is well suited not only to a study of humankind's anarchic potentials but also its anarchic
practices. David Graeber, perhaps the most renowned and one of the very few self-described anarchist
anthropologists, explains that it is precisely the anthropological opinion that no social form is inevitable
and all are fully contingent on circumstance, practice and meaning that puts anthropology in the unique
position to both find and explain anarchic social practice in diverse sociocultural milieus. Moreover,
social and cultural anthropology's long-held commitment to ethnographic fieldwork priviledges
an inductive (built-up) view of human organization that, by its own logical foundation, cannot
see the state as an durable and necessary pinnacle of complex political societies precisely because
the complexity of 'society' and 'politics' is itself a living negotiation of practices and agents whose
outcomes are only estimable but never determinable. Building from his research on labor radicalism
in Serbia, Northern Ireland, and China, Frederick Schulze emphasizes the close and necessary
relationship of anthropological studies and anarchist philosophy and activism.

come and bring your friends!

2011. március 4., péntek

Morze Infoshop Program, March

time: 7 March, 21.00,
place: Tűzraktér, Aprótér Room

Honour me, Not an Illusion

screening of documentaries

Honour Me (Alex Tweddle. 15')

english language

Abused by her family, forced into marriage, raped, pregnant at 13 then hunted down for violating her family's honour, Sameem Ali struggles to break free from her past and fight back against her upbringing. Inspired by a true story.

Not an Illusion (Torang Abedian)

persian language, english subtitles

Sara is a 21 years old Iranian woman who wants to be a singer. Yet according to the rules in Iran women should’nt sing solo in public. Clerics say God doesn’t want to hear a woman’s voice even at prayers. Bur Sara is determined- she was a champion gymnast before she becomes disabled in a freak accident . So she joins Piccolo band as a backing singer. Though everything about the performance must be approved by the ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. This film follows Sara in her battle over years as she struggles to achieve her dream in an explosive society which is confused between modernity and tradition.



time: 8 March, 19.00
place: Tűzraktér, Aprótér Room

19.00 Womyn's Day Celebration at Tűz Café

17.30 Discussion

19.00 Morzsa Records Collective concert


Morzsa Records - 'Denton, tx' from Simon on Vimeo.

22.00 Take My Eyes (Icíar Bollaín, 2003 109')

film screening

spanish, english subtitles
One winter night, Pilar runs away from home. With her, she takes only a few belongings and her son, Juan. Antonio soon sets out to look for her. He says Pilar is his sunshine, and what's more, "She gave him her eyes"...



time: 14 March, 21.00
place: Tűzraktér, Aprótér Room

Nowhere in Europe
(Kerstin Nicking)

documentary screening

polish german language, english subtitles

A film on the effects European refugee policies have on four refugees of the conflict in Chechnya and their families: "As-Salamu Alaykum, Europe" is how the diary of the journalist, Ali (39), begins as he waits in Poland for a decision to be made on his asylum request. In his smoke-filled room at the refugee home he has more than enough time to record his observations and thoughts on both Europe and his own crisis of identity in exile. Wacha (50) has been granted asylum as a political activist in Austria, but his son is being persecuted in Russia. He tries everything in his power to get him to Europe.


time: 21 March, 21.00
place: Tűzraktér, Aprótér Room

Protect and Hurt
(TASZ collective)

documentary screening

hungarian language, english subtitles

3 short documentaries of hungarian human rights protecting activist group TASZ about daily right violations, racist, cynism and hypocrsy of hungarian police.
After the screenings will be an english language debate and discussion with members activists fighting the state racism in Hungary.


time: 28 March, 21.00
place: Tűzraktér, Aprótér Room

Atenco, A Crime of State

documentary screening

spanish language english subtitles

On May 3, 2006, the state government of the Mexico repressed a group of florists of the Belisario Domínguez Market, betraying the agreements taken the day before. The florists, supported by the Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra (FPDT), are surrounded and thus takes place the first confrontation of what will be a brutal repression. In early morning of May 4, the public order forces burst into San Salvador Atenco. Impunity, terror, abuse, massive violation of human rights, murders, hundreds of detainees, rapes and sexual abuse ... a crime of the state. This is a documentary with never-seen-before material searching for the truth about those days that will go down in history as days of repression in Mexico.


30 March, 21.00

Lecture about David Graeber's writings and theories

lecture and discussion

David Graeber is a renowned anthropologist and an anarchist who has written on direct action, state-less society, value, and the long relationship between anarchism and anthropology. will be hosting a brief review of his major contributions to the practice of anarchist activism and thought at . Anarchic modes of arranging social life against Capital and State are not only possible, but currently define the daily experiences of countless people all over the world; this is not a call to primitivism, but a call to recognize the possibilities for anarchism in our current lives and ask some productive questions about the future.


2011. február 3., csütörtök

Ain't Got No Home (Cairo Solidarity Version)

this is "Ain't got no home in this world anymore" originally written by Woody Gurthie many decades ago. These are Zoltan's lyrics in solidarity with the Egyptian revolution. So maybe call it "Ain't Got No Home (Cairo Solidarity Version) by Zoltan Gluck from the Morzsa Records Collective.

(morzsa records is a bunch of radical left oriented sonwriter/folk musician allies from all over the world living in the revolutionary VII.th district of budapest and strongly linked to mozre infosop)

2011. február 1., kedd


Yemen, Jordan, Egypt......(and the rest of the world)..ONE PEOPLE, ONE STRUGGLE!

Time: 3 February, 18.00

Place: Egypt Embassy
Istenhegyi út 7/b
Budapest 1st district

Thousands of demonstrators are on the streets in Yemen and Jordan and demand a change in the whole Arab world. At a time when only a few weeks past since the government has fallen in Tunisia and the revolution began in Egypt.
Our fight is the same, their situation is similar to ours, but much worse. Egyptian police fired on demonstrators and do everything to prevent the demonstrators.
Express your solidairty and join us, come with us to protest in solidarity with revolution and against the oppressive regimes! Our fight is one!

2011. január 31., hétfő

MID EAST REVOLT-revolutionary prospects in Middle East

place: Tűzraktér(back room of Café)
Hegedű street 3
Budapest VI. district
time: 31 January, 19.00

discussion with Yana Ziferblat(former general coordinator of Coalition of Women for Peace- http://coalitionofwomen.org/home/english) about the reasons, circumstances and expectable consequences of revolutionary events and the chain of uprising in Tunisia, Egypt and other Northern African/Middle Eastern countries. Might the revolution in Middle East bring closer the definitive fall of imperialism and/or all the forms of capitalistic oppression?

After the discussion-if we have still energy and mood for it-will screen an amazing Finnish documentary about hypocrisy of western based companies and governments supporting an cruel/tragicomic dictatorship at one Central-Asian country:

place: Tűzraktér(Aprótér room-downstairs of building A)
Hegedű street 3
Budapest VI. district

time: 31 January about 21.30

The Shadow of the Holy Book(Arto Halonen. 2007, 90')

A look at how multinational corporations curried favor with Saparmurat Niyazov (1940-2006), the despot of oil- and gas-rich Turkmenistan, primarily through translating "Ruhnama," his autobiographical book of cultural musings, into many languages and providing testimonials that legitimized his murderous dictatorship. Two European journalists interview Turkman dissidents and try, without success, to get statements from multinationals such as Çalik Holdings, Siemens, Daimler-Chrysler, John Deere, Caterpillar, and Bouygues Construction as to why they put business interests ahead of human rights. A Finnish CEO provides the solitary moral compass.

2011. január 25., kedd

Morze Infoshop Program, February

February 7 Aprótér Room 21.00

Sisters in Law (Florence Aisi, Kim Longinotto 2005, 104')

Sisiters in Law: Stories from a Cameroon Court is a documentary portraying aspects of women's lives and work in the judicial system in Cameroon, West Africa. The film centres around four cases involving violence against women. It shows women seeking justice and effecting change on [universal] human interests issues. It also shows strong and positive images of women and children in Cameroon.

February 14 Aprótér Room 21.00

No more tears sister
( Helene Klodawski 2005, 78')

Set during the violent ethnic conflict that has enveloped Sri Lanka over decades, the documentary recreates the courageous and vibrant life of renowned human rights activist,, feminist and revolutionary Dr. Rajani Thiranagama. Mother, anatomy professor, and symbol of hope, Rajani was assassinated at the age of thirty-five. Stunningly photographed, using rare archival footage, intimate correspondence and poetic recreations, the story of Rajani and her family delves into rarely explored themes - revolutionary women and their dangerous pursuit of justice.

February 21 Aprótér Room 21.00

Psychoanalysis and Matrixal Borderspace (screening of Bracha L. Ettinger's public open lecture for the students of the European Graduate School EGS, Media and Communication Studies department program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, about 120')

Bracha L. Ettinger, Israeli-French psychoanalyst, painter, artist and feminist theorist, discussing her paintings, notebooks and work on the matrixial borderspace, trans-subjectivity, co-poiesis and trauma. She describes the relation between her artistic practice and psychoanalytic practice. Bracha L. Ettinger at a public open lecture for the students of the European Graduate School EGS, Media and Communication Studies department program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland


February 28 Tuzrakter Cafe 18.00

To see if i 'm smiling ( Tamar Yarom 2007, 59')

Six Israeli women give a personal account about their life in the Israeli Army, in the Occupied Territories. A female point of view on the drama of an unending war, on the moral challenges the soldiers faced at the encounter with the Palestinian population. The women look back critically at the way they handled the power that was placed in their hands at the young age of eighteen.

Lullaby ( Adi Arbel 2004, 52')

More than 60 babies were killed during the last intifada in Israel and in the Palestinian Authority territories. “My daughter was born on the day the intifada set off, when she turned 6 months, an Israeli baby was shot in the head; a month later, a Palestinian baby was shot. This for me was quite intolerable.” (Director Adi Arbel) Palestinian and Israeli Mothers talk about the essence of motherhood that had taken a fatal blow, and the unbearable lightness of killing of children in the region. Intimate confessions turn into one conversation about motherhood, bereavement, new pregnancies.Arabic, Hebrew and heart-beats join together into one voice, full of hope of mothers - the hope from which new babies are born.

2011. január 16., vasárnap

Evicted-docu screening today@Tuz

Evicted(Brian Woods, 2008')

time: January 17, Monday, 21.00
place: Tűzraktér, Aprótér Room
Hegedű utca 3, Budapest VI.district

Every day families all across Britain are forced to leave their homes. This film is a damning indictment of the fate which awaits them. It follows three young girls and their families into the nightmare of homelessness - a frightening and rarely seen world of dingy hotel rooms and temporary accommodation hostels. Part of the No Home initiative highlighting poverty and homelessness in Britain today.

2011. január 13., csütörtök

The Murder of Fred Hampton-docu screening today@Tuz

The Murder of Fred Hampton
(documentary screening)

time : Thursday, 13 January, 22.00
place: Tűzraktér, Aprótér Room
Hegedű street 3, Budapest VI. district

Fred Hampton was the leader of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party. This film depicts his brutal murder by the Chicago police and its subsequent investigation, but also documents his activities in organizing the Chapter, his public speeches, and the programs he founded for children during the last eighteen months of his life.