2011. február 1., kedd


Yemen, Jordan, Egypt......(and the rest of the world)..ONE PEOPLE, ONE STRUGGLE!

Time: 3 February, 18.00

Place: Egypt Embassy
Istenhegyi út 7/b
Budapest 1st district

Thousands of demonstrators are on the streets in Yemen and Jordan and demand a change in the whole Arab world. At a time when only a few weeks past since the government has fallen in Tunisia and the revolution began in Egypt.
Our fight is the same, their situation is similar to ours, but much worse. Egyptian police fired on demonstrators and do everything to prevent the demonstrators.
Express your solidairty and join us, come with us to protest in solidarity with revolution and against the oppressive regimes! Our fight is one!

1 megjegyzés:

  1. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150095438503189&set=o.133634216675571
