2011. március 4., péntek

Morze Infoshop Program, March

time: 7 March, 21.00,
place: Tűzraktér, Aprótér Room

Honour me, Not an Illusion

screening of documentaries

Honour Me (Alex Tweddle. 15')

english language

Abused by her family, forced into marriage, raped, pregnant at 13 then hunted down for violating her family's honour, Sameem Ali struggles to break free from her past and fight back against her upbringing. Inspired by a true story.

Not an Illusion (Torang Abedian)

persian language, english subtitles

Sara is a 21 years old Iranian woman who wants to be a singer. Yet according to the rules in Iran women should’nt sing solo in public. Clerics say God doesn’t want to hear a woman’s voice even at prayers. Bur Sara is determined- she was a champion gymnast before she becomes disabled in a freak accident . So she joins Piccolo band as a backing singer. Though everything about the performance must be approved by the ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. This film follows Sara in her battle over years as she struggles to achieve her dream in an explosive society which is confused between modernity and tradition.



time: 8 March, 19.00
place: Tűzraktér, Aprótér Room

19.00 Womyn's Day Celebration at Tűz Café

17.30 Discussion

19.00 Morzsa Records Collective concert


Morzsa Records - 'Denton, tx' from Simon on Vimeo.

22.00 Take My Eyes (Icíar Bollaín, 2003 109')

film screening

spanish, english subtitles
One winter night, Pilar runs away from home. With her, she takes only a few belongings and her son, Juan. Antonio soon sets out to look for her. He says Pilar is his sunshine, and what's more, "She gave him her eyes"...



time: 14 March, 21.00
place: Tűzraktér, Aprótér Room

Nowhere in Europe
(Kerstin Nicking)

documentary screening

polish german language, english subtitles

A film on the effects European refugee policies have on four refugees of the conflict in Chechnya and their families: "As-Salamu Alaykum, Europe" is how the diary of the journalist, Ali (39), begins as he waits in Poland for a decision to be made on his asylum request. In his smoke-filled room at the refugee home he has more than enough time to record his observations and thoughts on both Europe and his own crisis of identity in exile. Wacha (50) has been granted asylum as a political activist in Austria, but his son is being persecuted in Russia. He tries everything in his power to get him to Europe.


time: 21 March, 21.00
place: Tűzraktér, Aprótér Room

Protect and Hurt
(TASZ collective)

documentary screening

hungarian language, english subtitles

3 short documentaries of hungarian human rights protecting activist group TASZ about daily right violations, racist, cynism and hypocrsy of hungarian police.
After the screenings will be an english language debate and discussion with members activists fighting the state racism in Hungary.


time: 28 March, 21.00
place: Tűzraktér, Aprótér Room

Atenco, A Crime of State

documentary screening

spanish language english subtitles

On May 3, 2006, the state government of the Mexico repressed a group of florists of the Belisario Domínguez Market, betraying the agreements taken the day before. The florists, supported by the Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra (FPDT), are surrounded and thus takes place the first confrontation of what will be a brutal repression. In early morning of May 4, the public order forces burst into San Salvador Atenco. Impunity, terror, abuse, massive violation of human rights, murders, hundreds of detainees, rapes and sexual abuse ... a crime of the state. This is a documentary with never-seen-before material searching for the truth about those days that will go down in history as days of repression in Mexico.


30 March, 21.00

Lecture about David Graeber's writings and theories

lecture and discussion

David Graeber is a renowned anthropologist and an anarchist who has written on direct action, state-less society, value, and the long relationship between anarchism and anthropology. will be hosting a brief review of his major contributions to the practice of anarchist activism and thought at . Anarchic modes of arranging social life against Capital and State are not only possible, but currently define the daily experiences of countless people all over the world; this is not a call to primitivism, but a call to recognize the possibilities for anarchism in our current lives and ask some productive questions about the future.


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