2011. december 8., csütörtök

No Borders Soli Party

Time:december 10, saturday
Bacso Bela utca 10, basement
Budapest, VIII.district

About 40 people from Somalia got stuck in the Asylium Camp Rohovce, Slovakia without any winter clothing, and the social workers of the camp has lack of money to buy what they need. We are organizing this soli party with hope to get some winter coats, hats, scarfs, gloves, winter shoes for our friends who need it. 

So check out a program, bring your friends and dont forget about some worn winter clothing stuff(the coats are mostly needed)which you dont use or dont need.

 18.00: Noise and Resistance (Julia Ostertag, Francisca Arazia Andrade 2011) (german and english language, english subs) film screening



20.00 'Freddie and Emily from Morzsa Records'


22.00: How can help fair trade to Africa? Experiences in Kenia

(speach by Gyorgyi Ujszaszi-in english, hungarian translation available in a case)

How can help fair trade to Africa?
Experiences in Kenia
What is common among Kibera (slum in Nairobi), Undugu (a civil organisation) and Kazuri
(member of World Fair Trade Organization)?
A fair trade activist visited Kenia and talks about what she found there. Photos taken in Naoribi
helps to better understand the living conditions in an African country which is neighboring Somalia.

23.30: Feminist movies, revolutionary dj.-ig and so on :)

the program(screening, concert, lecture, party) will be started at advertised time, without 


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